How is Svaroopa® Yoga Therapy different from classes?

It’s customized - Yoga therapy is a 50 minute private session tailored to meet your specific needs and goals. It may include coaching in yoga breathing, yoga poses with special adjustments to help release deep tension, or  Embodyment®. 

It’s targeted - Yoga therapy focuses more powerfully on areas of your body that need attention. Private yoga therapy offers techniques specifically geared toward your neck and shoulders, spine, knees and/or feet. It addresses specific concerns such as knee pain, back pain, sciatica, bulging and herniated discs, and scoliosis.

It’s concentrated - Each private yoga therapy session is equivalent to 6 - 8 yoga classes. It offers specialized poses and adjustments for reliably and safely reducing stress, tension, and pain. It moves you more quickly toward healing and well being with cumulative benefits.

It’s adaptable - Yoga therapy is easy, accessible, and adaptable for adults of any age and ability. It’s slow paced with the therapist doing most of the work, propping you and adjusting you to receive the maximum benefits. This is especially helpful if you are recovering from an injury, surgery, or a long term condition that makes it challenging to participate in a regular yoga class.

  • $80/hr

  • Series/5 sessions        $375*

  • Series/10 sessions       $700*

    *paid at the first session